Terms and Conditions 



This Agreement, between Auctor Schola , LLC (referred to as "Auctor Schola ") and the individual viewing this online Agreement ("End User", "You", or "Your"), governs your access to the Auctor Schola  online learning management system known as BL41. BL41 includes content provided by both Auctor Schola  and third parties, along with associated documentation, media, updates, and other materials (collectively referred to as "Auctor Schola  Courses"). Prior to accessing the Auctor Schola  Courses on BL41, You must agree to its terms.


By accepting the terms and conditions during registration or by using our service, you are agreeing to be bound by this agreement. The term "use" encompasses accessing, transmitting, exchanging information, and any communication related to the service. If you do not agree with this agreement or any of its terms, you will not have a license to access Auctor Schola  LLC courses. It is important to note that our acceptance is contingent upon your consent to all the terms outlined in this agreement; if these terms are seen as an offer from Auctor Schola  LLC, then by using our service you are accepting it.


If you are accepting this Agreement on behalf of a company, organization, government, or other legal entity, you confirm that (i) you have the authority to do so and (ii) the entity agrees to be legally bound by this Agreement. The Auctor Schola , LLC Courses and website can only be accessed by individuals who are of legal age and capable of entering into binding contracts under applicable law. It is important to note that the Auctor Schola , LLC Courses and website are not intended for use by individuals under 18 years old. If you do not meet these qualifications, please refrain from enrolling in any courses offered by Auctor Schola .



2.1 You are not allowed to directly or indirectly, or through a third party, engage in any of the following activities with regard to the BL41: (i) copying it or any part thereof; (ii) attempting to uncover its source code by reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, or any other means; (iii) creating derivative software programs based on the BL41; (iv) tampering with or disrupting its performance or data integrity; (v) trying to gain unauthorized access to the BL41, its associated data, systems, or networks; and (vi) sharing confidential information about it with anyone.

















request will be handled within 12 business days, and we will reimburse you through the same 

payment method used during your purchase. It is important to note that refunds are not applicable in 

the following cases: - Inability to pass quizzes, exams, or assessments within the permitted attempts 

according to course guidelines. - Failure to verify your identity using the designated methods (e.g., 

state or government ID, security questions, etc.)  If a course has specific terms and conditions that override this refund policy, those terms and conditions will be clearly stated during the registration process.











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